🌟 Guillain-Barre syndrome
🎯 Pathology
rare acute, immune-mediated demyelinating peripheral neuropathy
💡 Causes
may be triggered by infections such as
gastrointestinal infections caused by Campylobacter jejuni (classical trigger)
respiratory infections caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
🩺 Clinical features
general points
presents within 1 to 6 weeks of illness
symptoms are symmetrical
affects both the upper and lower limbs
motor symptoms are more marked than sensory symptoms
typical signs and symptoms
initial symptom: back and leg pain
ascending flaccid muscle paralysis (the lower extremities are affected first)
hyporeflexia or areflexia
mild paresthesias in the hands and feet
other features
respiratory weakness
this leads to hypoventilation, which is a cause of type 2 respiratory failure
cranial nerve palsies
CN III, IV, VI: extraocular muscle weakness
CN VII: facial weakness
CN IX and CN X: oropharyngeal weakness leading to dysphagia potentially resulting in aspiration
autonomic symptoms
postural hypotension
sinus tachycardia
urinary retention
⚡️ Miller-Fisher syndrome
a variant of Guillian-Barre syndrome (GBS)
classical triad:
more than 90% of people with Miller-Fisher syndrome have antibodies to anti-GQ1B (a type of ganglioside antibody)
🕵️♂️ Investigations
thorough history and full neurological examination
nerve conduction studies
should be done within 7 to 14 days following the onset of symptoms
typical findings:
decreased conduction velocity (due to demyelination)
prolonged/absent F-wave latencies
prolonged distal latencies
prolonged/absent H-reflex
lumbar puncture
CSF shows albuminocytologic dissociation which means:
elevation in the protein content with normal white cell count in the CSG
consider testing for anti-ganglioside antibodies if lumbar puncture results are equivocalthere are different types of anti-ganglioside antibodies that are associated with GBS
anti-GQ1B (present in more than 90% of people with Miller-Fisher syndrome)
💆♂️ Management
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
plasma exchange
🧲 High-yield tips
evidence shows that systemic steroids are NOT beneficial
more than 80% of patients will mobilise independently within 6 months